Verify Before Visiting:
- Government-issued photo ID such as a driver's licence with an address
- A cell phone capable of text messaging and taking photos
Currently Accepted Documents:
- ID Card
- Driver Licence
- Your ID must have your address present - if not you will be asked to include it
How-to Guide:
1. Start by heading to our website here: User Identity Verification
2. Enter your name, your phone number, and select New Zealand as your country
3. Enter the one-time passcode texted to your phone
4. Scan the QR code to continue the verification process on your mobile device:
5. Take a photo of your government-issued photo ID:
6. Take a selfie where your face is visible
8. Review your verification and confirm that your information is correct
9. Wait for a text message to arrive informing you that your verification has been approved
You might be asked to resubmit your documents or to try a different document
10. Once approved, you will be able to start using Localcoin Bitcoin ATMs!
Currently Accepted Documents:
- ID Card
- Driving License
- Passports are not currently accepted
Documents from the following regions may be accepted as an alternative:
Australia, Japan, Republic of Korea, China, India, Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Canada, United Kingdom, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Norway, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and Sweden.
Tips for User Identity Verification:
- Ensure your documents are still valid and not expired
- Do not wear a hat or any other items of clothing that will cover your face
- Ensure you are in a well-lit area
- Do not cover portions of your ID that have information such as the expiry date, your full name, address, or the expiry date of the document
- Ensure you are capturing a picture of a physical ID document
- Do not capture a picture of a photocopy or digital copy of your ID document
- Your ID must have your address present - if not you will be asked to include it
Please note:
- There may be additional processing time required for some applications
- Additional information may be required such as employment information
- You may be contacted by our Support Team to confirm additional details regarding your application
- You must use a physical ID document - digital documents will not be accepted
- Your ID must have your address present - if not you will be asked to include it
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